Prenatal Massage
Get the Best PreNATAL Massage in all of san rafael
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What is a Prenatal Massage?
Understanding the pelvic girdle, pubis symphasis, and how the hips are effected during gestation are integral to healing pregnancy massage in San Rafael. Carrying a baby inside you changes your center of gravity and puts a lot of stress on your back, neck, abdominal muscles, and shoulders. Pregnancy also relaxes your ligaments, meaning your pelvic joints are less stable, and it also changes your posture, pulling your pelvis forward. Add to that the extra weight you're carrying and you may end up with an aching lower back.
You can get a prenatal massage in Marin at any point in pregnancy, as long as you have your doctor or midwife's okay. Some massage therapists won't see pregnant women until the second trimester because of the increased risk of miscarriage in the first trimester. But there's no evidence or reason to believe that prenatal massage in the first trimester would raise your miscarriage risk.
Sessions are aimed at comfort, nurturance, and support of both baby and mother. Massage for expecting mothers is as old as time.
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